Design-driven Strategy-led


One Blue Hill can join your executive team to design a strategy around how to create change in the social sector (hearts and minds) and political sector (policy). We design strategies for how to create change in the social sector (hearts and minds) or the political sector (helping to elect people and helping to pass or change laws). And sometimes we combine the two, building unique, powerful coalitions of celebrities, NGOs, businesses, and government leaders who are united in their passion for a common cause.

Strategic Communications

We are often hired to advise companies and individuals who are well known and best-in-class with a strategic pivot, whether it’s advocating for a new cause or engaging in a rebranding exercise (personal or corporate). We have also been engaged in crisis communications, in which the stakes are high, the situation is fluid, and discretion is paramount.

Government Relations

We work best with companies that are mature enough to need government relations expertise but not quite at the stage to have an in-house government relations team. We create an opening salvo for companies, individuals, and organizations that want to do business with government, and be on the lookout for what is coming down the regulatory pipeline. While we are not registered lobbyists, we regularly hire and manage lobbying firms.

Influencer Strategy

Our founder has been working in the social impact sector in Hollywood for more than 15 years, and has helped to shape impact work in the entertainment industry as it’s become more sophisticated, and an integral part of the public persona of an actor, musician, athlete, or other high profile culture-shaper. Many companies are mystified about how to get through the seemingly impenetrable world of people surrounding influencers. We help you to design a strategy and execute it, advising you about who to recruit, how to use them, how to compensate them, and how to make sure they deliver results.


One Blue Hill is regularly engaged to form coalitions of leaders (individuals and organizations) across sectors. For example, a company might hire us to lead a project that requires engagement from celebrities, raises money for a charitable organization, and has an advocacy component (trying to change a law or bring public awareness to an issue).


We have produced or helped to produce four major live, televised events, two of which raised millions of dollars from the public (text to give, digital giving, and operator-assisted giving). Our founder also produced a major annual conference (XPRIZE Visioneering) for five years, with attendees like Elon Musk, Arianna Huffington,, and dozens of government leaders (Governors, Senators, members of Congress, mayors, and heads of state.