Graduate Together:
America Honors the Class of 2020

In May 2020, as the world grappled with the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of philanthropists, cultural leaders, elected officials, and beloved celebrities came together to ensure that the Class of 2020 was not forgotten. One Blue Hill served as digital producer for "Graduate Together: America Honors the Class of 2020," which aired on ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, FOX, and more than a dozen other outlets.


One Love Manchester

In the wake of the horrific terrorist attack at Ariana Grande’s concert in Manchester England we set up a fund in partnership with the British Red Cross to raise money for victims’ families. We partnered with private donors to ensure that 100% of the £17 million raised would go directly to those affected by the tragedy.


Hand in Hand: A Benefit for Hurricane Relief

Jordan was an Executive Producer on this show, serving as a liaison between the networks that aired the broadcast and the charitable organizations that received the money raised from the public. We endeavored to find the most trusted organizations working on the ground in Texas (Hurricane Harvey), Florida (Hurricane Irma), and Puerto Rico (Hurricane Maria) to ensure that the funds would be used well and deployed immediately. We also worked hard to ensure that donors could see exactly where their dollars were going. We covered the costs of production with private philanthropy, and partnered with Comic Relief, a globally trusted organization, to ensure both compliance with the law and maximal impact of donations


March For Our Lives

In the wake of the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL it was a solemn honor to support the incredible student-led movement that rose out of one of the deadliest school shootings in American history. We worked to find a way for the civic leaders who wanted to support this movement to get involved, given the incredibly unique nature of this rally that had no adult speakers in the program. March For Our Lives was entirely about creating space for an organic movement of tens of thousands of young people to call out the impediments and roadblocks to common sense gun safety reforms.


Defeat By Tweet

Defeat By Tweet was an ingenious idea to turn Donald Trump’s biggest weapon into his biggest liability. Hundreds of thousands of people signed up to give micro-donations each time Trump tweeted. The millions raised were doled out to activists in swing states and spent to try to unseat Trump and roll back his hateful, divisive agenda. One Blue Hill led partnerships and influencer strategy for Defeat By Tweet. 


The Compton Pledge

The Compton Pledge is a landmark guaranteed income initiative that will distribute recurring cash relief to low-income residents for 2 years, marking the largest city-based guaranteed income pilot in the U.S. It enables families to weather crises and government actors and philanthropists to invest directly in the path towards economic justice and reparations.


One For Democracy

Created by a thoughtful group of American philanthropists, and led by Michael and Suki Novogratz, One For Democracy is a simple, elegant idea to reform and buttress American democracy in an era of corrupt campaign finance laws. The One For Democracy pledge is simple: signatories promise to contribute 1% of their net worth to supporting electoral and legislative reforms that will renew and protect American democracy from long standing and emerging threats.


Clean Energy Freedom

Clean Energy Freedom is a coalition of groups that came together to publicize the danger of relying on fossil fuels, and to help inspire the country with a vision of a clean energy transformation. One Blue Hill leads influencer strategy, engaging cultural leaders to help change policy. The policies we advocate for will create over a million clean energy jobs, employ veterans, and help the United States lead the world in a clean energy transformation.


One Fair Wage

One Fair Wage is working to end the sub-minimum wage in the US, which is a legacy of slavery and Jim Crow. We created a strategy to engage influencers, many of whom have worked in the restaurant industry themselves, and who care about making sure the workers who underpin the American economy get paid what they deserve.


Fund for Guaranteed Income

It was an honor to support The Fund For Guaranteed Income in its first project “The Compton Pledge” which was the nation’s largest guaranteed income pilot to date, and the first to include formerly incarcerated and undocumented citizens. Its design was elegant, and its thesis was simple: we should take care of our neighbors who need help not with burdensome government programs, but with direct cash transfers. The next year Los Angeles became the first US city to use taxpayer funds for a guaranteed income program. There’s nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.

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